The following panels are proposed for the conference
Post-Soviet Heritage, Stagnant Democratization and Rising Aspirations
This panel focuses on the overall contexts in countries before uprisings occur. What socio-economic conditions and/or political events lead to mass protests against incumbent governments? How was Armenia similar or different to countries on the verge of Color Revolutions or the Arab Spring? The panel can also include comparisons with Latin America, South Africa or other similar cases.
Contentious Politics, Mobilization, and Media Use: From Digital Engagement to Street Presence
This panel focuses on social movements and street politics at the core of mass uprisings. We invite papers on the use of social media for mobilization, interactions between governments and protesters, tactics and counter tactics, negotiations, framing of the messages, shifting and conflicting discourses, use of visuals, and so on. This panel has global coverage.
Revolution, Transfer, or Interstice: How Systemic are the Changes?
This panel focuses on the extent and the sustainability of the change in the aftermath of mass uprisings. It discusses institutions (such as the legislature, political parties, state security apparatus, public administration, the media) and policy areas (such as tax policies, the welfare policies, anti-corruption reforms, foreign and security policies, the electoral code). Papers on the economic implications of the aftermath of sudden government changes are also welcome. In addition to papers on Armenia, this panel focuses on countries that experienced rather abrupt government change, similar to the Armenian case.
International Relations After a Political Upheaval: Continuity or Rupture?
This panel focuses on the impact of the spring 2018 events in the sphere of international and foreign relations, drawing implications for Armenia and the larger region. It also discusses Armenia’s abilities to manoeuvre and re-negotiate its position vis-à-vis the big powers. Similar to other panels, this panel aspires to compare Armenia with similar cases, attempting to answer the question of why foreign policy re-orientation happens in some countries undergoing major internal political shifts, while other countries opt for no change in foreign policy.
Human Rights, Justice, and Rule of Law: Stability vs. Change
This panel focuses on human rights, judicial systems and the rule of law in times of abrupt changes and transformations of social and political structures. It can include questions on transitional justice (advantages and disadvantages of various models) tradeoffs between stability and reform in the judicial branch, and the importance of the rule of law in consolidating democracies. Papers on experiences of other countries and lessons learned from those experiences are welcome. This panel has global coverage.